CIRS 002HN IMRT模体,CIRS 002HN模体,CIRS 头颈IMRT模体 CIRS 002HN IMRT模体描述 从CT成像到剂量验证的完整QA CIRS 002HN IMRT模体特征: 验证异质性修正 将CTU与电子密度相关联 检查敏感区域的剂量分布 检查深度剂量和**剂量 2D和3D等剂量 用离子室校准薄膜 验证个别患者**计划 CIRS 002HN IMRT模体,CIRS 002HN模体,CIRS 头颈IMRT模体 CIRS 002HN IMRT模体原产地:美国 CIRS 002HN IMRT模体旨在解决有关**计划系统的调试和比较以及验证个别患者计划和交付的复杂问题。 CIRS 002HN IMRT模体在形状,比例和结构以及密度上都能恰当地代表人类头颈部的解剖结构。这可以对**计划和分娩系统进行彻底的分析。模体是由*特的专有材料制造的,忠实地模仿从50 keV到25 MeV的1%以内的骨骼和水。 CIRS 002HN IMRT模体的形状是圆形的,接近一般病人的大小。用于电离室的组织等效互换杆插入件允许在幻影和膜校准中的多个平面上进行点剂量测量。模体还支持胶片剂量学不仅标准射线胶片,而且还支持Gaf-Chromic?媒体。可选插件可用于支持各种其他探测器,包括TLD,MOSFET和二极管。 容纳一个横向的一个Ready Pack 10“×12”薄膜,两个横向放射性放射线或放射线10×10cm薄膜以及三个不同方向预切成63.5×63.5mm的十三个放射性变色薄膜的叠层。 模体表面刻有凹槽,以确保CT切片的正确定位和准确的薄膜计划配准。 CIRS 002HN IMRT模体包括: 一个(1)水等效均匀部分钻孔,以适应杆插入(15厘米) 两个(2)膜片,1cm,膜腔10×10cm,具有一组CT到膜基准标记 一(1)个空腔板,6.4厘米,以容纳膜堆或凝胶盒 一(1)电影栈用于小体积三维图像重建 两(2)间隔板,1厘米 一(1)间隔板,2厘米 一(1)端板,1厘米 一(1)端板,1.6厘米 五(5)水当量固体棒插入 一(1)骨等效实心棒插入 一(1)对齐基地 一个(1)保持装置 可选附件: 一套四个电子密度参考插头(项目002ED),凝胶剂量测定卡带(项目002GC),一套CT用于胶片基准标记的额外接口(项目002CTF) The CIRS Model 002HN IMRT phantom is designed to address the complex issues surrounding commissioning and comparison of treatment planning systems and verification of individual patient plans and delivery. The CIRS 002HN phantom properly represents human head and neck anatomy in shape, proportion and structure as well as density. This enables thorough analysis of both the treatment planning and delivery systems. The phantom is constructed of proprietary tissue equivalent epoxy materials. Linear attenuations of the simulated tissues are within 1% of actual attenuation for bone and water from 50 keV to 15 MeV. The phantom is circular in shape, approximates the size of an average patient. Tissue equivalent interchangeable rod inserts for ionization chambers allow for point dose measurements in multiple planes in the phantom and film calibration.* The phantom also supports film dosimetry with not only standard radiographic films but also GafChromic? media. Additional inserts are available to support a variety of other detectors including TLD’s, MOSFET, and diodes. The Model 002HN accommodates one Ready PackTM 10” x 12” films in transverse orientation, two radiochromic or radiographic 10 x 10 cm films in transverse orientation and a stack of thirteen radiochromic films pre-cut to 63.5 x 63.5 mm in three different orientations. The Model 002HN has an optional four Electron Density reference plugs which can be interchanged in five separate locations within the phantom. The surface of the phantom is etched with grooves to ensure proper orientation of the CT slices and accurate film to plan registration. An optional cranial bone ring is also available. Verify heterogeneity corrections Correlate CTU to electron density Check dose distributions in sensitive areas Check depth doses and absolute dose 2D and 3D isodoses Calibrate film with ion chamber* Verify individual patient treatment plans SAG: CIRS 002HN,CIRS 002HN模体,CIRS 002HNIMRT模体,头颈IMRT模体,CIRS IMRT模体